Friday 8 November 2013

Do not vote for the Farage Tax

UKIP supporters claims that business leaders want to leave the EU is simply not true, as proven by the recent CBI poll which showed 80% of their members want the UK to stay in. A similar overwhelming majority of members of the Engineering Employers Federation said the same 3 weeks. Not a single credible business organisation wants to leave the EU. Hardly surpising in view of CBI's analysis that EU membership is worth £3000 p.a. to every household in the UK. For those who are interested the abolition of hordes of regulations that is result of merging 27 different nations set of product safety rules into a single common code, is also a major factor. No longer do I have to design a French version, or a German version or an Italian version of the same widget – I just make a British version and no-one can prevent me from selling it in any country within the EU as used to happen pre-Maastricht Treaty days. Perhaps James might appreciate why Nissan have said that an EU exit would threaten continued production of their cars in the UK.

There is no paperwork required to export goods to any country within the EU, or any bureaucratic barriers. There is paperwork, bureaucracy and costs associated with exporting anything outside of the EU – those of us who have to pay these costs call them 'The Farage Tax' – as that is the burden of red-tape and costs that fall on every business in the UK the day we walk out of the EU. Many small businesses would find it uneconomical to continue to export goods to Europe once these costs are imposed on them, which is why small businesses now also support EU membership. 

So it would be helpful if opponents of the EU just for once listened to business, as it is their exports that creates Britain's wealth and employment.

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