Friday 8 November 2013

Conservatives have lost any sense of reality over Europe

I am not persuaded that the Tory demand for a referendum has anything to do with 'giving the British people a say'. In reality a large section of the Conservative Party want to leave the EU, and they see this as the mechanism to achieve that end.

They will fail for a number of reasons - not least because there is no groundswell of opinion amongst Brits to get out, and UK PLC has clearly stated that they want to stay in.

The anti-marketeers have shown how out of touch they are with the nations' mood. They ignore the reality that they do not have popular support for their views - displaying an arrogance that is beyond belief. They have also demonstrated that the core of the Conservative Party does not understand the need of UK businesses.

What this side-show amply demonstrates is that the Conservative Party has lost any sense of reality.

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