Saturday 25 January 2014

UKIP's election manifesto is drivel - So says Nigel Farage

UKIP's election manifesto is drivel! At last some honesty from Nigel Farage, who also reached the same conclusion as every credible UK business organisation, immigrants add to the UK's economy.
The OBR's analysis is: migrants are more likely to be in work than British people of the same age group; they pay taxes and national insurance; they rarely rely on benefits; other countries have paid the cost of their education, and childhood healthcare; they go home so we do not pay for their retirement. I am not saying that we should have an open-door migration policy, simply that it is time to have honesty. Closing our borders will damage Britain's economy, as I and thousands of other Brits will find it harder to go to the EU to work, and cutting immigration will harm our economy.
On the subject of drivel, I would love to pack Nigel Farage off on an endless trip around The Circle Line, as called for in UKIPs manifesto that he wrote the introduction to. That would help prevent UKIP further damaging our economy. 3.5 million jobs have been created thanks to the Single Market, which has swept away all controls and bureaucratic barriers to British exports. EU membership adds around £35 billion per annum to our GDP. It attracts major foreign investors, including large scale car production; many of whom are being put-off by the UK's continuous vacillation on the merits of EU membership. Outside of the EU we would have bureaucratic barriers to our exports to the biggest market in the world, and be outside of the planned EU/USA free trade area.
We can follow UKIP's self proclaimed manifesto of drivel, and leave the EU, but to do so will result in a loss of British jobs, businesses and prosperity

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