Sunday 29 December 2013

EU Parliamentary Elections are an Effective Referendum

I am grateful to the contributions from supporters of UKIP and others who seek to isolate the UK from the world's largest market, as well as placing us outside of the imminent EU/USA Free Trade Area. I see little point in addressing their ever lengthening list of bizarre claims, mis-information and scare-mongering; I leave it to the good sense of your readers to sift fact from fiction. In so doing I stand with the clear majority of working age UK citizens (Ipsos-Mori poll 29th Dec) who welcome the arrival of hard working migrants. A significant finding, supported by the Institute of Directors, The Adam Smith Institute Institute, The Institute of Economic Affairs, The Centre for Policy Studies, and the The Entrepreneurs Network (public statement 27th December) – who clearly cannot be dismissed as “left-wingers”. UK Business leaders, including the CBI and the EEF, have repeatedly expressed concern at the damage that would be done to our prosperity should we leave the EU, not least because of the estimated 3.5 million jobs that arise from UK entrepreneurs exploiting the single market, and the simplified regulatory framework that is thanks to the EU's bonfire of regulations. Hardly surprising then that economists estimate that the Single Market boosts UK GDP by around £35 Billion per annum, and the Office for Budget Responsibility has said that immigration is helping to reduce the UK's long term deficit; meanwhile in excess of 1 Million Brits have used their personal right to travel to live, work and retire in other EU countries. Whenever I ask the question 'what EU directive affected you today' I rarely get an answer, but at Xmas I am grateful for the EU Toy Safety Directive which includes a ban on the use of lead paint in children's toys. We are a democracy and the choice is yours. This June we have the EU Parliamentary elections, an opportunity for us all to be heard in an effective National Referendum on EU membership. In 2010 UKIP secured a derisory 16%, and they came a poor third in last year's County Council elections despite their clear expectations of glory. It will be interesting to see if they can improve that position in 2014. Meanwhile I and the clear majority of the British voters will continue to trust our personal freedom, prosperity and security to the 3 pillars of European co-operation, The Council of Europe, the EU and NATO.

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