Wednesday, 18 January 2017

I am European

So the next time I work in Germany I will be a foreigner. I have not thought that way for more than 20 years. No apologies Mrs May I reject the identity that you are trying to force on to me. I may be British but I have always been and will continue to be a European.

It has taken me months to get to the root of my anger, but I really think this is it. I genuinely consider myself to be European, all my grandparents are immigrants, as is true for a lot of people in Britain. In fact who is not an immigrant if you go back far enough. I remember posting some goods to Germany about 22 years ago (pre Maastricht Treaty), the post office clerk asked me a question which I cannot remember, I automatically replied "Its not going abroad its going to Germany" - I meant it then and still do not consider Europe to be 'foreign' - but the row that ensued in the queue was epic. I guess we are fortunate to have lived the main part of our lives as EU citizens, living with the benefits, and breathing in the freedom that came with them: an ethos that placed people at the centre of our society with freedoms our parents could only dream of. That freedom can never come from a Free Trade deal - because it is people who need freedom not 'things'. I had hoped we had moved on from Nationalism but clearly we still have a lot of work to do. I deeply resent the attack on my identity, and the loss of my rights.