Sunday, 25 September 2016

Ban French words from English??? mmmmm

We know that many BREXITERS are just barmy - but the latest number 10 petition to remove all French from British Passports is truly incredible. Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense, and Doit en Mon Droit - are entrenched in our heritage - dating to the French conquest of England in 1066. Most English Kings spoke French, as their first language, well in to the 14thC - Richard 1st is well known for neither speaking a word of English or even spending much time in this country. Much of Southern England recognised the French Prince Philip as King of England in the late 12th C. Norman French is still a legal language for Parliamentary debate, unlike the longer established Celtic native tongues. French dominance of British affairs however is long established; the French-Norman hegemony gave way to the Angevins (Anjou) who also claimed the throne of France - the Plantagenets (Angevins after the loss of the Anjou by the English Royal branch of the Angevins) also had strong French heritage - The Tudors as well, with a lot of Welsh mixed in - The Stuarts were as much French as Scottish, Charles II being raised in the French Court with his French mother- and in any case the 1666 conquest of England by Holland put an end to any chance of anyone 'English' ever again being King - that ended with Cnut long before William arrived. Today's Royal Family are of course German immigrants - Saxe-Coburg being their true family name.

Perhaps [middle English] the [German] time [German] has [German] come [German] to [German] remove[Latin or Old French] all [German] foreign [Latin] words [German] from [Old English] our [German] language [French].

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Am I really Fat & Lazy? [Liam Fox & BREXIT]

Speaking as a 'fat & lazy' Director of a small business set up after being made redundant during Thatcher's recession riddled years, I am intrigued that Liam Fox is already laying the ground to blame everyone but himself for the inevitable failure to protect UK PLC from BREXIT.

Our modest turnover includes a small but growing slice of exports of which about half goes to the EU. Thanks to Liam Fox those exports are now threatened by the imposition of Tariffs; Customs Handling and the inevitable red-tape,costs and delays that brings with it; and the imposition of overseas VAT rates which are overwhelmingly higher than UK rates for the goods that we export.

Thanks to the end of freedom of movement I will no longer be able to work in EU, and a faceless bureaucratic at the Home Office will decide whom I am allowed to recruit instead of leaving it to UK businesses and universities to select the best person for the job. I now understand that I will have buy a Visa in order to travel to Europe for work or leisure.

Far from a great new trading future, Britain will be consigned to the backwater of the world's economy, and Liam Fox is one the BREXIT wrecking crew who are to blame.