Sunday, 23 February 2014

Ukraine - the EU and UKIP

Ukraine buries its dead, in a revolution that was precipitated by their desire for freedom and the right to join the EU. In the UK we have the bizarre spectacle of our far right, as represented by UKIP, aligning with Vladmir Putin in trying to pull the UK out of the EU.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Ukraine - moving to freedom

Let us hope that the Ukraine can now progress towards being a truly free and democratic nation, and a full member of the Council of Europe and the EU. What a contrast to the dangerous nationalist tendencies in the UK that seek to isolate us from these essential European institutions that underpin our prosperity and personal freedom.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Goerge Osborne admits economic failure

George Osborne's admission that he has failed to secure a sustainable economic recovery is a significant realisation that the Coalition Government's economic strategy has failed. The core failure is the Conservative Party's disdain for our wealth creating potential, which is represented by manufacturing. Their decision to abolish the Regional Development Agencies, ridicule the value of teaching Design & Technology, and maintaining the level of Corporation Tax for Small businesses are all examples of their anti-business values.
Britain's economy will only recover if control over planning and innovation is returned to local decision makers; if manufacturing is put at the heart of our industrial policy; and design, technology and engineering are given the status they deserve in our schools.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

A message to Dominic Raab - Whole Life Tarrifs & the EHCR

I was very disturbed this morning by your rant on Radio 4. In Britain we have a proud tradition of freedom and an independent judiciary - you seem to want to have our courts controlled by politicians - this is very dangerous and threatens our individual freedom. Sentencing should be set by judges, not you. You views seem more aligned with Hitler and Stalin than a modern free democracy.

I am not ashamed to have our legal system scrutinised by our European Peers - as I am proud of our legal system. In 2013 over 2000 cases were referred to the ECHR by British citizens - a freedom you seem to resent. Significantly only 21 when to a full hearing - and only 11 were lost by the UK Government (including Parliament's attempt to ban the wearing of a crucifix at work). This is an exceptional record and testimony to our outstanding legal system. By allowing our system to be open to such peer review shines the light on regimes who's record is somewhat worse, in particular Russia and Turkey.

If we left the 47 member ECHR we would be marginalised along with with Belarus and Khazakstan - hardly a pleasant prospect but that seems to be the sort of legal system that appeals to you  -one where judges are controlled by politicians.

Having a whole life sentence reviewed after 25 by an independent and free judiciary is perfectly reasonable. Your rant degraded the debate and brought shame on to our political processes.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

David Cameron and UK PLC support the EU

David Cameron and UK PLC support the EU

It cannot be often that we see the TUC, The British Chambers of Commerce, The Engineering Employers Federation, The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Lloyds and the CityUK lined up together. They are all organisations that are amongst the many who submitted evidence to David Cameron's recently published review [13/2/2014] of the balance between the EU and the UK's competencies on trade. Overwhelmingly they support the UK's membership of the EU, and state that not only is the balance correct, it is good for Britain. UKIP, and many Conservatives who oppose David Cameron, simply do not care how many British jobs will be lost should we follow their folly of isolating this great exporting nation from the largest market in the world.

British Business wants the EU

We believe this balance of competences to be broadly appropriate.’ - The British Chambers of Commerce.

SMMT believes that the balance of competences between the EU and UK on trade and investment is right.’ - The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.

[We] see no advantages in altering the current balance of competences in this area’. - The Scotch Whisky Association.

We have no doubt that there are significant advantages in the EU negotiating on Trade and Investment matters with other countries on behalf of the EU as a whole. Britain’s interests are best served in this case by being part of a 500 million plus bloc of consumers rather than negotiating such agreements on
its own.'- The Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe.

Operating as part of a trading bloc strengthens both the UK and Europe’s bargaining power and ability to lower trade barriers and support investment.’ ‘[...] so competence at the EU level remains in the interests of the UK.’ ‘Repatriation of trade policy competences would threaten the integrity of the Internal Market.’ - Engineering Employers Federation and UK Steel.

EU States combined offer a far more attractive package to international partners that the UK does alone.’ - TUC.

A large majority of respondents endorsed ... belonging to a larger sphere of influence, such as the EU.’ - Scottish Council for Development and Industry.

Competence over international trade and investment negotiations should remain with the EU.’ - Lloyd’s.

the UK’s trade and investment potential is strengthened by its membership of the EU and that the EU is likewise made stronger by the membership of the UK.’ - The British Irish Chamber of Commerce.

We would not wish to see our ability to tailor our approach to supporting investment and trade weakened through any changes to the balance of competences in this area.’ - Welsh Government.

The EU’s Common Commercial Policy has been a success story for the UK:
Trade partners want access to the entire EU Single Market: negotiating as a bloc gives the EU added power;
The UK has successfully influenced EU trade policy’s open market objectives.’ - TheCityUK.

With regard to trade and investment the EU should be regarded as a resource which should be supported to the full.’ - The British Ceramic Confederation.

Just a sample of the overwhelmingly pro-EU sentiments submitted to the Government's review of EU competences. Most striking are the costs that will burden UK businesses should we leave the EU.

A full copy can be downloaded at

Friday, 14 February 2014

Climate change is not a religion

We now have the first estimates; the cost of this year's floods will be nearly £15 Billion, wiping out 1% of the UK's GDP. The Government's failure to take action on climate change has cost us more in 4 weeks than any similar period during the whole financial crisis. The reason? We now know that the Environment Secretary's decision to ditch 'climate mitigation' actions undermined the policy to strengthen our flood defences. This was compounded by the Treasury's decision to increase 'the minimum threshold value' of flood defence expenditure to £8 for every £1 spent.

The misery of today's flood victims is, as Nigel Farage put it, due to 'The Weather' - but as he and many Conservatives stubbornly refuse to accept - the increase in extreme weather conditions is due to climate change. No doubt these self same people would have denied that the world is round in the middle ages. This arrogance was the cause of the fiscal policies that decided that flood defences were not worth the money.

It is time for politicians to stop treating Climate Change as a religious schism - their language betrays their shallowness - we are deniers or believers or sceptics. It has to stop. It is not a religious or political debate, it is peer-reviewed science, and the overwhelming evidence is that human activity has caused the current process of climate change - which is now drowning this country.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Fracking, Insurance and Ancient Rights

Whatever you do they get your money! Across the UK land-owners are registering their ancient rights to extract minerals from under your house, even if they are no longer the free-holder. They do not need to tell you if they do intend to exercise those rights, as Nick Boles MP, our planning supremo has ruled that there is no need for Planning Authorities to inform people if a holder of a Fracking Licence wishes to extract gas from underneath you. Now I hear that lawyers are advising house buyers to insure against fracking, especially if the Lord of the Manor has exercised his/her ancient rights. Yet these self same people are also quite often also 'Lloyds Names' who profit from these insurance policies.
Neat trick - register your ancient mineral rights and make money from fracking - but if you don't you sell people insurance policies in case you do and still make money.